Sunday, August 30, 2009

goodbye my love...

30 August 2009 Sunday….
Oh man…!What a boring sunday morning…hahax…yeah…my favor cartoon is showing on the TV!
Lalala…I’m know I’m childish~hehe…Hm…2day daddy did not work..we go eat FAMOUS hakka mi at old street as our breakfast…^^until night...i receive her message…and….i don’t know what should I do…hope i make a decision that won’t make me regret…she said wanna back with me…and she said she is serious one…walao...i dunno how to reply her cause my cellphone is out of credit… so have to use my mum’s phone to reply her… totally funny right?a person that were hurt you so much,and break ur heart before…but after that she wanna be wif u now…well…this happen I had experience it…but certainly I did not accept anyone before…it really like a joke…love is not a game…why does ppl lost somethings ady then only will appreciate it? want leave me as u like then want to together back as u like too?u think I’m what? I’m not your doll..just want to do it whatever you want?huh?
I have my own way…that is hurt enough when you wanna break with me…you said that you be with me just because I’m lool like her…since that day…I know u never love me before…but who care?!
I’m the last who know that u’re not care about me at all..u did not love me before…all the things u said that is FAKE one…I’m realize now…I’m like a stupid girl… thought that i am the girl u love…I’m happy to be with you that time…but now….it’s change…lie me before…is hard to believe what u say now…I cannot make the decision…just give me some times..if you want…I don’t that’s true or not….or u wanna break my heart again…? I din reply her message now…I choose to ignore…
Dun wan do anything…I’m tired…tired….

Friday, August 28, 2009

i wish everything will be fine...

why recently so many things happen..??
zio and vio zai...wei ling and and ....
just break over~~so what?life still have to go...xD..
yesterday hang out wif wei ling...she and ell were fine...but at the last they argue...haix...
make me no mood to shopping wei ling said after our lunch go play basketball...hahax...all right...yeah...high spirit,man...i LOVE BASKETBALL...the 1st time i played with myself only...nobody help dao i forget that i'm sad...wee~ but wei ling jau...haix...thn we watch movie...THE ALIEN AND THE funny ya...till now still rmb that movie...hahax...haix...sudden wei ling told me about why she argue wif ell...aiyo..GOSH...why the ell will let the girl kissed ??
if i was wei ling...i sure will angry and will fuck the girl lo...she knew ppl having gf thn please don't play this kind o not fair wif wei ling...of coz wei ling have to protect ell so they argue le...haix..LOVE...make all of us unhappy...zio(zi hui) and vio zai also...
2day wei ling and zi hui go KL wei ling and ell better now..but after zi hui tell me that they just break up finally...haix...why o?i don't know how to tum fan her...she not so happy..haix...she just pretend to said that she fine and she said she's okay..zi hui ar...dun pretend anymore...i know u r hurt..said it out will better..dun put into missunderstand only..tell her the much yu love her...u and her need to talk..solve the problem..dun simply wanna break up..that not WORTH...i know they still lover each other...anywhere...zi hui...don't be sad...i will beside u...let me acc u...i won't leave u like some of ppl 1...we'll be fine...and me...nothing special about me...i'm not sad at all now...i think single is suit for me...and back to be frenz is better...hahax...I WANT FREEDOM MORE THAN EVERYTHING..anyway...zi hui must be strong...i hope u can handle it...^^ may god bless you...

Monday, August 24, 2009

holiday luh~

holiday what? just stay at home only....haix....freaking bored ar...duno want find what to do...and nothing to do in home hui and wei ling go KL on Wednesday le...i sure cannot go de...they go find their husband think i not good to follow them go aunty go back to KL le...her baby also go back ady...freaking miss the baby ya...she so CUTE,u know? wee~
love her so much no one acc me play le...the baby go back to KL feel LONELY so much...duno why after ill i started feel dizzy again...what the..what's wrong with me?sigh...what's wrong o??!!head ache make me very blur should i do?==

Saturday, August 8, 2009




最近搞什么哦?唉~我的脑去了那里??是不是开始有压力了呢??不可以这样下去的涅~我郑枫霖有会压力的吗??这个东西没有发生在我身上的窝...之前有 在妈面前提过下....他说做下运动哦...唉....好吧...就明天一大早去跑步吧...这么晚睡..明天还要这么早醒...唉...真是少见我周末 会这么早醒...为了自己,怎样都要试下的啦...唉~~~=(

Saturday, August 1, 2009

my favorite cheese cake,morca.. moody at there..

today don't know why so early wake up...i not early wake up a nice morning..^^ i find something to eat in and mum go working...nobody home...i turn on the favor song is playing..'thinking of you'...when i heard that song..i sudden miss some one..mood is getting bad..haiz...
sudden,i realize that today celebrate sis's birthday early...hahax...mum tell going greentown thr..a coffee favor cheese cake and chocolate cake is over there...xD
i cannot wait tonight..i thought tonight is a great...but is also having a lot of bad mood...haix...
arrive there...i eat my favor cheese cake and order a morca coffee...haix...sad and worry things..
sudden miss her...missing some one is suffer a lot...and thinking about something was silly previosly...childish...if can choose...i prefer to choose a chidish and cheerful girl...happy than need worry some stuff just like now...what a messy life now...i don't want!
exam is coming parent also give a lot of stress for me...and i also give a lot of stress for myself..i totally afraid bout the exam..