Tuesday, September 15, 2009

today stuff...

Friday 11September 2009

today wei ling stay a night at my home…
then when we dismiss…I saw a ice-cream stall outside our school…
my favorite ice-cream potong…RED BEAN favorite…I like it!!
So wei ling and me go there ask how much…walao?!
1 buck..usually I buy just 50 sen oli…whatever…we just bought it…
Then teh jing ying also come bought tat ice-cream for her mother…favor is durian~yuck~I hate durian ice-cream actually…bad breath after it it…hahaha!!
The weather is hot…our ice-cream so quickly melting…GOSH…how to eat?
Wei ling and me just like a soh po taking the ice-cream and keep laughing…
People beside us also feel weird..haha…don’t bother them…hahax…wei ling not careful
Drop the ice-cream on the uniform..hahax..DIRTY CAT…
Luckily I did not..haha…oh my god it still melting…I decided put all ice-cream into my mouth…oh no…so cold…BEH TAHAN LA~~after that I accompany wei ling back inside the school and clean her uniform…
Then we go parade’s kopitiam yam cha luh~~
Eh?saw kyan ,wei jing and Nicole also at kopitiam there…
Then we go inside ler…
Hahax…always go there yam cha…
Waiter at there also recognize us lo…
We sit outside…
No air-con…
Damn hot damn hot…..
We order drinks and chat at there…
I notice that a old guy like 30 years old gam de keep looking us…wtf!
See meh see?! Mei tai guo leng lui ar?haha..XD
Chi sin de….so YAM la his face…just like MA LET LOU! Ish~
We jau beh him lo…c c c~
When we gonna leave the waiter put a drink to us…
I think….hey?what’s up? He make mistake izit?
Then I look the guy he said smile wif me and take his drinks up…
WHAT? He belanja us drink? Here is pub meh?hoiyo…
Waa…be careful…later he put drug inside the drink we sure die lo…
So we did not drink it…
He went the toilet leh…
So we take the chance to put the drink he belanja us de put back on the table…
We faster run to wei jing’s table there…hahax…as fast as we can….
I din mention people in the kopitiam..so fishy ar….
i turn to the back c…my god…kunjo was looking us ran…aiyo…man…fish liao…
she laugh us,u know?haix….never mind la..we always like that 1…dah BIASA…
after this wei ling follow my bus went to my home…
today got pasar malam o…
no rain….yeah bi~
I call my bus put us down near the pasar malam there…
Gosh…having variety food at there…looking the yummy food also felt hurry jor…
We buy a lot too…hahax…
Then we take away the food and back home…
We also got take some picha la…hahax..self-loving…
At night,wei ling and I watch horror movie at the tv…
Wow…so horrible….><
Haix…so cham…
I 2pm something only sleep…

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